GVI has the total capacity, through selected professionals linked to GVI, to project-manage various start-up ventures in Georgia and overseas, with emphasis on agriculture and ago industry, tourism, manufacturing and services. Its services are priced low in order to facilitate the start-up and operation of medium scale ventures, often based on an agreement for GVI to acquire minority shares in a given venture. GVI’s services ranges from technical and financial planning to total project-management.

There are many significant investment opportunities in Georgia which are yet to be tapped. They range from agriculture and agro industry to manufacturing and services. There is also an abundance of relatively low cost, but educated labour force which can be trained in specific skills and absorbed into the mainstream of industrial activities. 

Georgia is one of the top nations in the emerging markets ladder which has shown growth and resilience and is poised to take off. It has also done remarbly well despite the global economic down turn and the euro crisis.

The nation presents a first class platform for investors to move medium and large scale manufacturing operations here, with markets wide open throughout the Caucuses region as well as to the US and European Uniion countries.


